There will people long distance between them worked for and are happy while some it never did. Turtle lovers easily distracted by turtles shirt It’s takes the grace of God almighty , marriage is a complex area that no can predict the time and chance it can creat and also destroyed
Turtle lovers easily distracted by turtles shirt
This really hit the spot for me.. I’ve been in a long distance marriage for almost 6 years now. And been together for 8. This really hit home.. thanks for this video as a reminder of what it is to have a relationship in this category. The truth really is when your together your unstoppable. There’s things that will be there to tear you down. But it’s for you to see that you can over come them and make the best of everything no matter Turtle lovers easily distracted by turtles shirt how many miles are involved. what do you consider a commitment? Marriage is a commitment … 8 years isn’t petty time.. the reason I’m not putting myself out there with all the trials and tribulations is because I don’t need the world to know my business. But what I have been thru within these 8 years I didn’t even know I was as strong as I am..
the country that he’s from the crime is ridiculous (Trinidad and Tobago) and immigration is a pain..waiting and money.. alot has happened in my part of life that has bared me from doing what I want to. I don’t want to go into details. But I’m always there every year 2-3 times for the year between 3-6 months at a time.. so it’s all about patience and accepting the situation your in.. wish things were easier. Sucks when someone else has your life to decide in their hands You have no idea who I am or who my husband is get a life.. I don’t need to justify myself to worthless people like yourself about my life. Maybe you should find someone who is worthy of your time but with the nasty attitude and what you say to people you know nothing about you don’t deserve anyone .. you have no idea what your saying to someone if they suffer from
Get it and hang out with it

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