Easy for you to judge as if you have done half of what she did to those poor people. Try your hardest do your best but always remember you’re more than a test shirt We live in our comfort of our home. She lives in a minimal way and still be able to help to those less fortunate people.
Try your hardest do your best but always remember you’re more than a test shirt
I’ve read a book by someone who joined her order. She stated how Mother Teresa lived in complete poverty, depriving herself daily of indulgences of food or proper shoes…I highly doubt any rumors that say she embezzled money. It’s really a shame that there are people who spread lies all because they really want to deny the goodness of Christ. St Mother Teresa, pray for us. My daughter and I met Mother Teresa Try your hardest do your best but always remember you’re more than a test shirt in one of her trips in North Carolina in 1995.She is like Jesus sister.I seen a halo in her head and we are standing close to the stage where she was standing talking to a stadium packed with people admiring her.She is a Saint no doubt to me.I had pictures of that afternoon that I treasure in my heart.
The answer is quite simple. You don’t even have to cite specifics and sources and you may continue to paint generalizations as long as you follow up with the challenge you are sensing within yourself: Go do it better. Go take care of the poorest of the poor on the streets of Calcutta in the way that you believe is better. Stop posting and just go do it. The poorest of the poor in Calcutta still need help. Now it is your physical help (a caress and a smile as they die) that the universe is calling you to. Just go do it. The answer is quite simple. You don’t even have to cite specifics and sources and you may continue to paint generalizations as long as you follow up with the challenge you are sensing within yourself: Go do it better. Go take care of the poorest of the poor on the streets of Calcutta in the way that you believe is better. Stop posting and just go do it. The poorest of the poor in Calcutta still need help. Now it is your physical help (a caress and a smile as they die) that the universe is calling you to. Just go do it.
Take it and hope you love it

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