you are correct though it can affect your spleen. You know your child though The snoopy que sera sera doris day 1992 forever shirt so if you or anyone else thinks it’s bad enough to go to the ER or urgent care then absolutely take them. That’s just me personally what I would do.
The snoopy que sera sera doris day 1992 forever shirt
if you work in a pediatric ER then you should know that swollen lymph nodes can be a possible symptom of cancer and very worthy of an ER trip if you don’t that’s one place you should not be working. There may not be any signs of anything else that is significant other then the swelling yet there could be something major going on. Surely no decent parent would see their child has swollen lymph nodes and go meh they will be fine The snoopy que sera sera doris day 1992 forever shirt when it can be a medical emergency… clearly you didn’t read my last post! So let me break it down for you better so you can understand it. If a parent thinks his/her child or children are that sick where they have to take them to the ER then absolutely do it!! As the parent to that child they know them better then anyone.
everyone keeps bringing up cancer, that requires testing and follow up outside of the er on a outpatient basis, sometimes inpatient but only if testing done shows critical results. Literally most of the tests ran in the er can be ordered by a family dr, minus the horrendous wait and possible exposure to flu and whatever else lurks in the emergency room waiting room I was thinking they were worried about luekimea or something like that. It sounded like he has a family history and that’s weekly they were being extra precautous or lymphoma is a pretty big emergency if you have swollen lymph nodes for no reason. It is probably a much quicker process to find out what is going on then going to pediatrician and getting blood drawn. You would have to wait days to a week for results
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