and toward the end of her life there wasn’t too many people she recognized Snoopy sometimes I need to be alone and listen to barry manilow shirt without having to be told who the people it was hard to watch her this way we need to appreciate what we have I myself didn’t spend as much time with her as I should have
Snoopy sometimes I need to be alone and listen to barry manilow shirt
How and why should it be a guilt thing? Yes our parents sacrificed a lot for us however we did not asked to be born it was their choice to have us to love us and to nurture us the best they can we were not born to wait on our parents or to Edmond at their beck and call, I think the mother if she wants to see or talk to one of her children she should go pick up the phone Snoopy sometimes I need to be alone and listen to barry manilow shirt and call them! When one of my daughters wouldn’t respond to my calls, i said to her one of these days i will be very sick and try to call you
and you dont respond to my call she said dont call me call 911 i will never forget the hurt i felt i delivered that child all by myself i love them with all my heart but i dont feel loved so i totally understand I am just speechless, I use to watch almost every video of urs but this one just changed me in few minutes, I was a bit angry f m mother n then I realised what I was doing I lost m father 5 years back n now I don’t want to lose m mother the lady who supported me loved me loves me amongst the all kids.. My grandma has dementia
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