This is so outrageous! Women have to carry the baby 9 months.. Snoopy sometimes I need to be alone and listen to pink floyd shirt go through unbelievable pain, then care and feed their baby….why is the father not held accountable? There is no justice for women! Don’t get me wrong
Snoopy sometimes I need to be alone and listen to pink floyd shirt
I am not for abortion, but I am for the right to choose! Why doesn’t Roe vs wade come into play here? I’m not sure how familiar you are with family courts, but men have zero say as to whether or not a child is kept but are on the hook financially for child support for 18 years. i’m the proud father of a great daughter. unfortunately the circumstances Snoopy sometimes I need to be alone and listen to pink floyd shirt behind the child being borne was not ideal. but the child is here and i fully support her… i have not only not missed any child support payments
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i have never even been late. not 14 years.. . i do everything i can to support them.. her mom unfortunately has done everything in the book to try to prevent me from not only seeing my child, but ‘competes’ with me instead of teaming up to provide the best possible environment for the child (aka do what’s best for the child).. We all have so much to say before abortion became available to all women.

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