I did just that, I dated a guy who I normally don’t go for, not saying he’s ugly because he’s not and we’re madly in love with each other. Snoopy I don’t want to I don’t have to you can’t make me I’m retired shirt Your dream guy may not be exactly who you pictured, physically but their heart and soul matches how pictured feeling when you’re together.
Snoopy I don’t want to I don’t have to you can’t make me I’m retired shirt
I praise u so much for this, felt like this for a long long time till I met my gf!! We’ve been going out over 8 month and I adore the socks of this lady…. so eventually plucked up the courage to ask her to marry me on Christmas day, this woman I love more thn anything she’s like my rock!!! But before this I’d spent so long dating and being friend zoned, people need to stop being so judgemental and take each other for what’s on the inside not what’s on the out side Snoopy I don’t want to I don’t have to you can’t make me I’m retired shirt Things happen for a reason. Sometimes we get rejected by someone we really care about. Sometimes they’ll lead you on and use you, with no intention of pursuing it further. My advice is to just stop trying with someone who has continuously shown no interest in pursuing you. Because that’s a waste of your time and effort. Take all the time you need to recover from the sting of rejection, but don’t let it pull you down leaving you bitter and jaded. Remember, we all have faced rejection. You’ll be just fine
Have a nice time in my shop

Been on the receiving end of both. I do all the romantic stuff etc but been told I’m too sensitive or too caring. Also get judged on looks a LOT! Having said that, it’s not all about me devoting myself to making a woman happy. How about a woman wanting to make her man just as happy. In my experience they’ve been so busy lapping up the attention that they get selfish and I end up taken for granted. The moment I don’t do one of those kind things, I’m pulled up on it “hey you didn’t do this or that today” but you can guarantee she hasn’t been doing that thing for weeks or months. In terms of looks, there’s a saying you don’t hear of much “I’d rather have a plain looking person that loves my like they should…..”

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