Or giving veteran’s freeto see any dr. Low gas prices. Less taxes. More blacks, Mexicans, and women working than ever before. Including his staff. Snoopy charlie brown and lucy with american flag shirt Pushing the UN to enforce being gay legal world wide. Number in gas n oil. Sold rice to China? List goes on. You might not like him as a person. But honestly. What has he done that has negatively effected your life?
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so the Biblical stigma associated with the disease has been overcome as a result of young woman Alice Ball’s work by 1916 in developing an injection based on chaulmoogra oil, a substance derived from the seeds of a tropical evergreen tree. By 1940, a vaccine had been developed. they’re not accusations they are facts. It’s not hatred it’s just the sad unfortunate truth that nobody wants to talk about. Snoopy charlie brown and lucy with american flag shirt It shames the church and it shames her legacy but that doesn’t make it any less real. Do the research. If I could prove it was a lie I would prove it and absolve her. I have nothing personal against her aside from her actual actions in life. She was a human being and not one of the better ones.
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She was a glorified parasite who raised million’s of £s from dictatorships most of which went to Rome her hospital for the dying in Calcutta was a shit hole you would not put a dog in No Mary she was a typical zealot with the usual religious deceit. Do what I say not what I do. She kept medical help from the poorest most vulnerable people in her society and left them to suffer. She was a disgusting excuse for a human being. Has this been proven. She did amazing work so why be nasty. She helped so many and did such good. There’s always some ass who has something nasty to say. reckon it takes a special kind of person to do what she did and people will always find a reason to bag out her kind who found it absolutely necessary to beg for money to help those who are underprivileged. It seems to me human beings are naturally negative anyway no matter what.
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