Wow did not know there was two diffrent worlds hmmm dose not matter the color of a person all mom have Straight outta patience flair pens glue sticks copies tissues pencils shirt there own corks im a bat shit crazy mom lol shit if I would have ever talked back toy mom I would be saying sorry while picking up my teeth
Straight outta patience flair pens glue sticks copies tissues pencils shirt
One time I was at Walmart and I told my then 8 year old daughter to quit trying to push the cart bc it was crowded and she was going to hurt someone. (I would stop to get something and she’d grab a hold of it and start moving it). Well, I was picking out produce and there she goes! And the cart ended up knocking a corner of a soda mid cap display! I scolded her and told her to pick it all up and put it back and reminded again of Straight outta patience flair pens glue sticks copies tissues pencils shirt why I didn’t want her touching the cart. An older lady felt sorry for her and came over to help her pick it up and I snapped at her, “Don’t help her! She made this mess and she’s going to clean it all up!” The lady slooowly backed away.
Have a nice time in my store
“Normal” mom is the mom at play dates and in public. “Intense” mom is the real normal mom that comes out as soon as you get home from an afternoon or using the “other normal mom” voice all day and your kids acting like hoodlums because they know what’s happening lol So are you saying you beat your child in private? But pretend you have your anger under control in public too look cool? If that’s the problem then you need help dude. I’m considered what you’re doing to your kids to have CPS get involved. But if you yell and your child or spank them, guess what that’s not abuse. Nothing CPS can do about that. I have no shame in my parenting. I don’t care if people stare. I actually had my daughter act up at Disneyland
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