Went out fighting? No she stood there while Gregor cut her in half. Starbucks mother of coffee game of thrones shirt She was pretty close to a useless character, and her death was about as impactful as “random soldier #45’s” death was. Please.
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She was a very MINOR character who basically only translated and talked to Danaerys. She provided no story depth and was part of an unnecessary love story. Those saying she was your favorite character…really? Season 8 has been full of disappointments and rushed story lines. Trying to go for shock value with giant episodes that seem rushed and fake. Then you throw in the treatment of Ghost the last 2 seasons… Starbucks mother of coffee game of thrones shirt what a joke! I love the show but I can’t wait for it to be over, it is exhausting! Can anybody explain how Euron is firing huge, ship destroying harpoons at enemy vessels yet is able to capture and extract specifically Misandei who is on the lower decks? Is Euron now also a SWAT agent or something?
Like how she was obviously not harmed or beaten for resisting nor made any attempt to end Cersei or even choose her own moment of death? She stood there terrified. I would too. And nobody would call it going out fighting. She came as a friend, she died as an invader. A pow for sure but she choose to cross the sea in aggression by following Daenarys. We may root for them, we may love them, but they are invaders. A lovable character that I shall miss. Who died worthy and with dignity. Not to mention the respect she was showed by being unmolested and swiftly decapitated. But she didn’t die fighting.
Have a nice time and hope you love it

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