If we were to pick one particular Native language as an official language which one would we pick and what will happen to the others. Snoopy maleficent shirt In Ghana alone we have more that 60 different language, which one tribe will decide to forfeit their for something else that in itself we create more division and chaos.
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Our respective dialect or languanges are unique and beautiful,with wonderful meanings.Sadly,many still think they will appear inferior,not do well or it will sound out of this age,if they learn and speak their own native language or bear a Tribal name as First Name,talk more of passing it on to the next generation.May we be reminded that we cannot be more english than ‘Johnny English’.For us to save many of our fast fading languages,it needs to be documented. Snoopy maleficent shirt We also need to go back to the basics,learning the Alphabets,and other words.Our dialect is a Gift from God,very pleasant to the ears.It is one of a kind,and what makes it different,makes you beautiful.
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Ghanaians are known to be language xenophobic especially the Akans… some interview I conducted with foreigners proved that a ghanaian will speak his or her local language with a colleague while you the stranger stand with them. They choose to sell you. My concern is mainly on integration challenges they are likely to face in connecting with the world at large, considering that theirs is language of the least minority. Not only that, but also the fact that the business language is English. How would a society that limits itself to its dialect relate to the rest of the world? If you ask me, it’s a good thing considering how diverse Africa/Ghana is.
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