Well, considering this film came out back in 1995, it wasnt quite equipped with the technology we have today Pokemon mortal kombat shirt when it comes to the special effects made to make the movies were used to watching today.. but as far as a mid 90s film goes, you’re right, it is an amazing film.
Pokemon mortal kombat shirt
I’m try to figure out what alternate reality you live in. MK sucked, it was fun just because. The best thing about it was the theme song. You were probably a baby when it came out. Look at it again through tax payer eyes kid. Mortal Kombat was a good movie. I have a lot of nostalgia for it. But Goro didn’t work. It had some downright awful dialogue Pokemon mortal kombat shirt between Liu Kang and Kitana that is embarrassing to watch today, and they kept Raiden from fighting. Only good thing about the 2ND MOVIE is Cyrax that is all everything else, looked fake, cheap and tacky also They chose a better Sonya and Jax in 2nd but still trash movie
Just so everyone knows according to a leak of the script there’s no liu Kang, no scorpion or sub zero, and the main character is some made up dude named Cole Turner. Jax and Sonya are in it but Sonya’s a journalist not military. The director was quoted as saying something like “we haven’t even started filming yet nothing is set in stone” about the leak but yeah this isn’t looking good boys I hope they use the original song or if they use different. Maybe a update remix version of the old MK theme song. I hope the reboot is good. Cause the original is still a good movie. The sequal wasnt great. But i cant wait to hopefully see who will play each character now for the reboot
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