My recently ex repeatedly called my boss, trying to get a teaching job at the school where I work. He told the CEO things like, I need to be handled in a specific way that only he knows. Mountain mew pokemon shirt That I need him there in order to function well and do my job properly. I only found this out after I ended the relationship–and went through that existential crisis of “what now?
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who am I without him?” All that jazz. Well, I am here. I am me. And I am doing just fine without him This is so powerful Jay, thank you for making this video showing million of people what a healthy relationship should be! Unfortunately, I had to end my marriage of 16 years for the same reason. This jealousy/controlling behavior is a cancer that eats you little by little and take pieces of you not letting you enjoy life, Mountain mew pokemon shirt your partner and other relationships. God is love and give us free will….why others want to control us and tarnish what love truly is?! Thank you so much again because this gives me reassurance and is so tangible that my feeling of guilt dissipates a little
I think ownership comes from a high level of emotional neediness. Thank you Jay for the video, I’m a huge fan of this mindset in particular and your videos in general. To me nobody can control anyone else except ones slave which sometimes is not possible. And in a relationship situation, corrections, protection and guidance. Might be misunderstood to be control or over authoritative. Especially when those involved are of a different lifestyle or character and doesn’t suit each other. And when that happens don’t used the word control, just quite and seek your kind.
Welcome to the awesome collection!

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