the officer say to the rider you know where you were coming from but its obvious the driver didnt I took that as maybe a drug house that is being watched Animation lover eat sleep anime repeat shirt Absolutely, and It never even said why he was pulled over in the first place. I loved seeing that officer tail duck between hos legs.
Animation lover eat sleep anime repeat shirt
I shared this post. We share the same feelings. I said the exact same things you said. Once the young man stated that he was an attorney and that he also knew the Law; the Sgt did a quick About-Phase. It really bothers me when the badge is misrepresented!!! sir this has nothing to do with Democrats or Republicans so please stick with the original point of the video. Animation lover eat sleep anime repeat shirt It has to do with Injustice about pushy cops trying to intimidate people for no reason, and that is the point of the video The driver started out arrogant. The officer followed his lead.
Being a lawyer doesn’t put you above the law. Even if he had nothing to hide, he should know better than to antagonize a cop and that’s what he was doing. He was setting him up. Probably looking for a big pay day since he’s not cutting it as a lawyer and has to take a 2nd job. The cop was a bit if an ass too. He shouldn’t have been so arrogant. Understand each other’s job and respect it. if he would not have been an attorney I think they would have harassed him and made him turn off that camera. That’s why I’m scared of cops and they give me anxiety because they can do whatever they want to do. Good question but in the video you hear
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