Ene of course she’s reading dumb ass! She wrote the shit! It’s a fucken speech! Vegeta transformation monkey just do it shirt Most people who recite speeches read from a script! It’s hard to memorize all that! If celebrities can do it during award shows and presidents can do it, bitch she can do it to
Vegeta transformation monkey just do it shirt
a board or a large group of people have a script. This is so that you don’t forget your main points you want to bring forward. Also in a board setting, such as this, it is considered a testimony. This testimony will then be submitted to the board’s records. she was I’m sure this was well thought out so that she would be organized and prepared before going in front of this panel of people. Vegeta transformation monkey just do it shirt Why would she not so that she can be up there searching for the words to say Most of u guys open to talk rubbish and even call me names,I don’t blame you I bet u have never leaved
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the comfort of ur country. I mean just go to underdeveloped or developing countries and see what children are going through starting from hunger to abuse. I name but a few. Is only when u have visited other under developed countries then u will appreciate what ur social welfare is doing for you and only then u will understand my point. U can call me names I don’t give a fuck cause I know u have little understanding of what is going on in d world. U may sleep wake up eat ur junk and fight over nothing

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