Deaf and hearing impaired people have the same reasons. Natural light beer hawaiian shirt It’s still faster then going in and the stores are normally set up for it with polite staff!
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b , ch, t … that sounds difficult due to the deafness so forth … Furthermore ,you can not sounds deaf but still be deaf so you are a lip reading person, unknowledgeable about any sign languages Natural light beer hawaiian shirt Not all deaf or hard impaired people are equal . You’re a child of God, huh? Really? My daughter is deaf, she wears hearing aids, but sometimes gets feedback and distortion from the speaker. She reads lips, she can only see that face to face, not through a speaker! Is she not allowed to eat? You are a piece of work!! I go to the drive-thru and I am almost deaf. I can barely hear the speaker. I tell them I have trouble hearing and will be up to order, I have NEVER had a problem at any drive-thru! This includes Jack n’ the Box!
This worker evidently, has some major anger problems!! I am sorry for the lady’s problem, and I hope she takes some action..Oh, by the way, so many of these ‘speakers’, are in sad shape. I have had others in the car that are not hearing impaired and they have had problems w/other speakers! Its always 98% the speaker boxes fault because of how crap most of them are. Though I have a question in regards to hearing impaired customers, instead of going through the drive thru, wouldn’t it be easier to go inside the store? That is understanable, but also when they were open previously or after? As I can imagine being challenging when ordering from a speaker box why does anyone use the drive through? Because it’s easier and faster.