An eye for an eye she did for give him why should she do more for a man who was Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac shirt willing to let his son die it wasn’t about her at this point her child was in need and he chose not to help his child gtfoh with that give him food smdh
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac shirt
it’s so sad that you are so bitter. God would be the reason she made it, and forgiveness is not for him, it would be for her. After all she went through, this story ended with her heart turning into his. If any man or woman be hungry or thirsty give them something to eat and drink. Let God be seen and felt through you. Then keep it moving. But for the grace of God, that could have been her and her son. But no, because God kept them. Its her choice how she chose to handle her ex husband. Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac shirt She only came to him one time to tell him their sin was sick. He tells her he has no money. She worked very hard to support herself and her son. She dies owe him anything.
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what you have said is so true, I think it was Paul who said if your enemy is hungry give him something to eat if he is naked clothes him ,by doing this you will be heaping hot coal’s on his head, he would have felt worse than her, all she has done is to behave just like him , so in the long run he has won , she’s become as bitter and twisted as he hell no lady, sometimes in our life we cause people to hurt us, mean we know they are no good an nice yet still we let them in our life y? because we say God dwl God give ever humans understanding, would someone know it’s poison in a bottle an drink it, unless they want to die, simple if I Kno u are a toxic person y would I let u in my circle, In my home around my food that’s call suicide, an god don’t believe in suicide ok and god gonna keep his ass too bitter no just do to others as they do to you I would have did nothing wrong to the man like she done nothing to him are for him it’s sad for people to use god to be a dam fool read the word s little more
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