If women are forced to carry a pregnancy Betty boop october girl I’m not getting old I’m just becoming a classic shirt then men should be unable to impregnate women with an unwanted pregnancy. If GA can decide what women must do with their bodies. Then all pubescent boys should have vasectomies
Betty boop october girl I’m not getting old I’m just becoming a classic shirt
to prevent pregnancy until they can financially have it reversed and support a child. Why control only female bodies? yeah because parenting all about money? You know how many men still manage to get out of it anyway. FYI parenting involves more then writing a check for 20% of your paycheck yeah and they are having the right taken away from them as we speak, Betty boop october girl I’m not getting old I’m just becoming a classic shirt aren’t we? And I’m not denying you aren’t a good dad, and dads aren’t screwed by the courts. But trust me, way more women are left to take care of children when men bail. Yall are tripping. Half of ordered support doesn’t even get paid
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and so many coparents have no order at all and there is no support. Men walk away all the time. Work under the table to avoid uncle sam Or change jobs to avoid support Move across the country to make the orders harder to enforce and informal requests impossible Gotta have valid information on the dude to even get the process started. Guys can lie their way out of responsibility and the people they impregnant can’t do shit about it cause his name wasn’t really jim.

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