It was hard but we worked at it supported each other. Most days my car didn’t work many times did not have 2 dollars to my name. My kids thought it was a great day 70’s mix tape cassette best of 1988 shirt when they could split a happy meal. We camped by a fireplace for days when we couldn’t afford heat but we made it out together.
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but that was temporary, right? Your story is really inspiring,sir, but there are people who have to live like that their whole life. Either because of their laziness or something else, this is not a situation one can handle forever and that was my point. I had those kind of problems too when I was a child but it is totally different now. it was a good 10 yrs. of hardship. The only reason it was temporary was because we refused to let it be permanent. 70’s mix tape cassette best of 1988 shirt I walked to work,early shift at a nearby fast food before kids were up. Baby sat did odd jobs. My husband worked when it was available and found extra work on weekends and when laid off. We rented rooms to people this helped us and them. That’s just how life works out. You never realize how fortunate u r until u experience how painful it is to lose it all. And the sad thing about that is that by this time regretting what u have done will never get u back to the heaven u were in.
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Be involved, interested, excited for learning and teaching your children! (schools only do so much. they want people to absorb and parrot back- there’s no “time or resources” to devote to brilliance in children.) The most powerful influence on your children are parents. I have believed enough.even doctors cannot do anything for me and if there was a God he would stop all this suffering Spend time walking, cycling, running any exercise is good and makes you feel fantastic. Meet new people and have a laugh together. Turn the negatives in your life in positives….. makes you feel so good everyday and simply moving away from those who dont make you feel good! My philosphy of 2019! Do the things that make you feel good and stop doing the things that make you feel bad – simple yet works!

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