Just my armchair psychology at work. A relationship is meant to be a two-way street. January man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt Those of you essentially bashing him for saying this don’t seem to understand. She needs to reciprocate the effort, or this will NEVER work out very long.
January man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt
He’s prolly being cheated on right now lol. Seriously I was all like this with my ex wife, like, the best person and husband I could be. But I wasn’t the bad boy druggie tough type so there ya go, got my ass cheated on, left, and divorced at 33 and I see no hope of recovering any little bit of a normal life. So yeah this is probably bullshit, if it’s not made up, he’s a sucker. And he’ll find out. It’s a fine line of having a healthy mutual relationship where two pple bring out the best in each other January man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt and both put in 50% ..unfortunately you find more n more like this where one person puts the other on a pedestal . does everything and turns the relationship into something unrealistic ..it’s more of a dependency than love …but lot pple are in this kibg of imbalance ..but don’t recognise it .. It’s not worth it. Relationships don’t work. Unless one side gives more than the other.
Then the other becomes expecting. In the end. They die. Very very few relationships actually make it. And even a lot that do. One party usually does not even like the other anymore. But stay together anyways. All was well till Darth Vader entered the room and killed the vibe .. Its not about what u do for each other, its about finding happiness in someone else smile & becoming so fuckin sickeningly addicted to that smile that youd give your entire heart just to see it for a second.. i absolutely fuckin love chocolate but it does fuck all for me.. Just saying They say up to ten percent of the population are functioning sociopaths, which often goes hand in hand with narssacistic personality disorder. I personally know several people who are walking around with both, though not medically diagnosed.
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