I’m a nice guy who was cheated on. One girl had the audacity to have her new man to be come to our home and help her move out… March man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt I saw him, pulled her aside and told her 6 months is all it will last! She laughed at me. Then called me just about everyday to tell me how great he was.
March man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt
We are a team and I never want you to worry or be tired, I want you happy and healthy and I want to love you for the rest of my life” It was that moment I knew that for the first Time in my life, someone truly loved me, and for once in my life I lived in a home full of love, not just a house full of stuff. I never would have believed any of this mushy stuff either if you would have asked me 8 years ago… Today, I will tell you to be patient, March man I can be mean af sweet as candy gold as ice and evil as hell shirt quit looking so hard, you will find the love of your life one day when you least expect it! And when that day comes, you will want to hold that person and never let go, and for once, you will know what love really is…. have a great day everyone..
I just got divorced in May. After being married for 12 1/2 years , and he up and left me and my son said he didn’t want to be married anymore. 4 months later he remarried. I thought he was my one and only, but I was way off and told my mother i never want to marry again because I don’t believe there is anyone out there for me or any good guys that truly love.. But I know there is.. sorry if I shared to much, but your story really touched me.. Some guys never “put on an act” they love their women and would die for them. I hope u will someday meet a woman u would want to give ur everything to, even die for because they cannot imagine a life without their woman. There are lots of good women out there and I sincerely hope u find ur true love one day.
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