What makes you think it would have mattered? Pain like that comes from god knows what and other people can’t always do a whole lot to affect it. I do what when where I want except I gotta ask my wife shirt I’ve been there, and sometimes no matter how much someone wants to help and desperately so, sometimes it’s beyond their power
I do what when where I want except I gotta ask my wife shirt
you find a new physician! I actually tried to join a test panel that pays you to take new antidepressants. The Doctor there told me #1) I needed higher dosage of my meds #2) I needed treatment for PTSD #3) I needed to change my diet. I did those very things. I avoid processed foods, upped my Effexor to max dosage and went through EMDR Therapy which helped minimize my anxiety. I also learned grounding strategies and took up Art. I still struggle, I do what when where I want except I gotta ask my wife shirt but I’ve learned to project an anticipated event or date. I promise myself to not self harm until that date. By the time I make it to my date, my depression has usually improved enough to cope. If you are struggling, please know YOU MATTER. You are unique and are an important piece of this puzzle called life.
Have a nice day and enjoy these new designs

sad that you have to face this tragedy. We as Christians need to show more love and be more caring and mindful of the people around us. It takes so little to show love and concern but can save a life that sees only death as a way out. Let’s be that love that they need to face another day. Week, month, year and eternity Sorry for your brother. Its hard i struggle. What sucks is if you seek help you are treated like krap and society sorta shuns you. I never spoke up cause im medical field, thats one way i can loose eveything forever. Its so sad cause i wanted the help. God bless you and your family. so sad for your loss…. praying that you receive the grace to go through your pain and I just wanted you to know how much I care and am thankful that you can openly ask others to do as the film requested .. to Stop, Breath and seek help.. your brother has quite a sister! And we sure need to share the kindness… God Bless You!
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