that doesn’t even make sense. Because we have more people to pay for universal healthcare than Denmark it wouldn’t work here?!?! That just doesn’t make economical sense. I’m tired of being my wife’s arm candy shirt We are also seeing forced euthanasia in some of these Scandinavian countries universal healthcare apparently doesn’t apply to the elderly, weak, or disabled.
I’m tired of being my wife’s arm candy shirt
It doesn’t make sense as you have to distribute doctors and nurses to rural america too and that becomes way expensive. I don’t know how you give a universal program across the country. A good example of universal health care in america. Go to the VA. That’s how it looks like in America. Socialism does have some of the dangers listed by Ms. Abbot. However, she assumes a capitalist/socialist binary. Neither extreme is possible, I’m tired of being my wife’s arm candy shirt but every society lies on a continuum. Just as the Church has denounced socialism, it has denounced unregulated capitalism. If you say, “I am against all forms of socialism,” then I must ask what you think governments should do for people? Should they provide for national defense?
Go shopping and hope you enjoy it

Highways? Childhood education? A police force? Prisons? Should they investigate alleged crimes? Set monetary policies? Regulate banking practices? Prevent monopolies? Make laws about campaign finance? Suppose government did none of those things and the economy was overtaken by a single corporation who effectively ruled the country. That’s the inevitable consequence of minimizing government.
When someone identifies as socialist, the context is relevant. They mean government should be more involved than at present in addressing the ills facing their own society. They almost never mean the abolition of private ownership. Granted, it’s worrisome when people choose the banner of “socialism” without awareness of its inherent flaws. It is also disturbing when capitalism is touted as the antidote or panacea.

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