So let’s go to any random place and find a diseased dying animal and conclude they are dying due to global warming….because you know, Polish wife happy life shirt polar bears live forever! show me the dozens of others in this same area that look like this bear right now….or does global warming only kill one bear at a time!?
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This is not proving anything the global warming sheep use it to prove their point which it is propaganda proving nothing for nobody knows what is wrong with that bear bears have plenty of ice pack this is only for sheep to believe and btw this is a very old post where are all the rest of the newer bear pictures It is against the law to Feed them I know it sounds cruel. I also understand that the old bears can’t hunt because of old age , Polish wife happy life shirt but still why can’t the government put food places out for them . It is not their fault the ice is melting , it is man kind and globle warming. This is a total BS story. Shaping the story through omission of facts. How do they know this animal is dying from starvation? All animals get old or sick and die. When all this Man Made Global Warming BS started they estimated the arctic bear population around 7K
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now it’s reported to be around 50+K. There hasn’t been an increase in temperature in 18 years. On the other end of the globe there is more ice now than since records have been recorded. It’s called climate shift. It’s sad, depressing and it hurts to watch any animal in such a poor state of health, especially a magnificent animal like the Polar Bear. But to blame this one bear’s poor state of health on starvation caused by “Global Warming” is just another opportunity to tug on the heart strings of animal lovers and the believers in a unproven theory that is being debunked more and more as each month goes by.
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