you see in many ways you just can’t be equal Technically a well crafted animation but simply wrong thinking, namely equality of outcome. Blessed by god spoiled by my husband protected by both shirt There is no evidence base for this narrative. This is riding the tide of out dated popularised feminism that focuses on a small proportion of highly successful men and uses that to represent all men.
Blessed by god spoiled by my husband protected by both shirt
Measure with work done, strength, intel , brave . In a battle ,we need more man than women. In a tired physical work, we need more man than women, most of the sailor are man,scientist,engineer,…how should u say…. if i hit a boy,no problem but if i hit a girl, big problem. we all respect women, we don’t want women taking part in tired work because our phycial structure is not same. We all know you can do it, Blessed by god spoiled by my husband protected by both shirt but you should not. Weak, soft , cute, beauty, receving respect, “lady first”,love, life if mom a women possess many wonderful things that man cannot have. i’m atheist, i don’t seperate woman or man , we all are just living thing. Thanks for reading my comment and wrong grammer and spelling that is correct plus most of the jobs men work women have little or no interest in you can’t change interest
Take your time and go shopping now
if they just not wanting the job in that field and also when women go for these types of jobs well men aren’t going to roll over andplay dead just so the women gets the job no no no the men push for that job it not that because it a women it because that the job he wants and not letting any one nor man or women take it from him Womens brain is mostly based on feelings and emotions while men’s are based on the totally oppisit it is why we think.diffrently see things differently
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