Hope non of you feel like you didn’t give each other enough time. A woman’s roll requires so much more time. When the man gets off work he can still take a nap. Play or watch sports. Black hole best asshole husband ever black hole 2019 shirt Go out with his buddies. A woman is on call day and night. I had a great husband but when he wanted my time I tried to be there. When my kids were young. Sorry but they and God were first
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How about just laying there rubbing her back ,talk to her ,ask her what’s wrong! Of course she isn’t who she use to be ! She wasn’t put on earth to be a slave. I’m sure from the sounds of it . He just takes care of him. That’s her first mistake. She should tell him he needs to help. Sorry women.. you can do all those things and a man still won’t be happy. Typical! Makes sense & brings back memories, Black hole best asshole husband ever black hole 2019 shirt I am sure, t our those of us married with X number of children… & this can go both ways from male to femsle or vice versa! My only tip is to say, “…do not let much time go by before honest communication with your ‘other half’.”
Seems like she’s not communicating & if she is, he’s probably not getting the real message. The host of the video is right- it does go from Lust to Trust, if she worries about all these things, she need to speak up & communicate. By the same token- he need to hear her and understand where she coming from. After they’ve built their life together- they STILL need to make time for each other- that’s how they got those kids in the first place! This is so true..and right to the point…I feel like he was talking about my life..my ex found him someone younger..I became better and hated him.GOD got me through it all..and he is still my ex…appreciate the ones you suppose to love..
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