increased by irrigating agricultural land, by applying fertilizer, or by managing pests. In fact, humans are enormously more capable guitar fire and water all over print hawaiian shirt of overcoming their environmental constraints than any other species. This ability is a distinguishing characteristic of our species. A species is defined as individuals and populations that can potentially interbreed and
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people denying this. No other research is really necessary – the weather patterns over the past couple of years are enough proof to testify to this. Mannnn climate change is a whole lotta hoopla over nothing. Yeah, it took all the geniuses in the world to ure out that sometimes its cold and sometimes its hot. News flash its called weather honey and the world getting a little warmer is perfectly fine by me. Maybe it just means we’ll get to spend less than half the year bracing the Ithacan tundra. However, nature always wins. If, our planet cannot take any more abuse, she will make sure we pay for our mistakes by making this planet uninhabitable. The guitar fire and water all over print hawaiian shirt glaciers will melt, volcanoes will erupt, earthquakes will kill millions, and our short-lived time will come to an end. As Bruce mentioned in lecture, we have the technology to prevent catastrophic warming. We even have the technology to achieve carbon neutrality and even to lower levels of atmospheric carbon sustainably. The issue lies in integrating these technologies with an incompatible economy and politics. You might also say something about how much personal power you feel you have to change the direction you see things going. How are your personal ethical standards related to utilitarian, ecological, aesthetic, and intrinsic values? Think about your world view and discuss how it relates to the anthropocentric, biocentric, and ecocentric world views. Calculations based on this simple PAT formula show that affluent, technological societies have a much larger per-capita environmental impact than do poorer ones. The biocentric world view focuses on living entities and considers all species as having intrinsic value. Humans are considered a unique and special species, but not as being more worthy than other species. As such, the biocentric world view rejects discrimination against other species, or speciesism .
But not all this damage is inevitable. There is sincere hope and expectation that human societies will yet make appropriate adjustments and will choose to pursue options that are more sustainable than many of those now being followed. In fact, no other outcome could be considered acceptable. These days, of course, ecosystems are influenced not just by “natural” environmental stressors. In many situations, anthropogenic influences have become the most important constraining influence on the productivity of species and on ecosystems more generally. These direct and indirect influences have intensified enormously in modern times. The dynamics of natural disturbances can be far-reaching, in some cases affecting extensive landscapes. For example, in most years, millions of hectares of the boreal forest of northern Canada are disturbed by wildfires. Similarly, great areas may be affected by sudden increases of spruce budworm, a moth that can kill most mature trees in fir spruce forest, or by the mountain pine beetle, which kills pine trees. An even more extensive cataclysm ended about , years ago, when glaciation covered virtually all of Canada with enormous ice sheets up to several kilometres thick. However, disturbances can also be local in scale. For example, the death of a large tree within an otherwise intact forest creates a local zone of damage, referred to as a microdisturbance. This small-scale disturbance induces a local succession of vigorously growing plants that attempt to achieve individual success by occupying the newly available gap in the forest canopy. Ecosystems that have recently been affected by a disturbance are particularly dynamic because they are undergoing a process of ecological recovery known as succession. Succession occurs in response to changes associated with natural disturbances such as a wildfire, windstorm, or insect or disease epidemic. These cataclysmic stressors kill many of the dominant organisms in an ecosystem, creating opportunities for relatively short-lived species, which may dominate the earlier years of the post-disturbance recovery. Succession also occurs after anthropogenic disturbances, such as a deliberately lit wildfire or a clear-cut of mature timber. However, humans are often able to favourably manipulate their environmental circumstances. For example, crop productivity may be
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