Ya know cause the IRS would take it all. Groot hug volkswagen full printing shirt Seriously think about it. If u can’t afford an uh oh pregnancy keep it wrapped or stay on a pill and even then take responsibility.
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They have also worked for their money and what they own. It’s none of your business how many houses they own. Also not everyone inherited their money, they actually worked and saved it. So stop your jealousy. Also if a female is dumb enough to have kids because they were “push into it”, Groot hug volkswagen full printing shirt just tells me that they are uneducated and shame on their parents. I am a firm believer that if you have a child and can’t afford to feed them,
then it should be mandatory that they have to be on birth control before they can get assistance. At least then, if gives her a fighting chance to get on her feet and support both her and the child. Once that’s done and she is on her own, she can do what she wants. That would save the tax payers a ton of money and get more people off of assistance faster. Really? That government is paying for that birth control. Our taxes pay for it. If rich people didn’t pay there share in taxes do u really think anyone whould be rich.