since most people push for a woman to have kids even Rammstein skull all over printed shirt when she knows she can’t support them yet as soon as she gives birth those same people shame her for using assistance
Rammstein skull all over printed shirt
Life sucks. Instead of trying to change others change yourself. Better yourself. Make something of yourself. Some people work themselves to death at there 3 jobs that are minimum wage and fail to realize those minimum wage jobs aren’t supposed to be forever jobs they are supposed to be for kids out of high school or kids in college. Rammstein skull all over printed shirt People settle for them because they are easy and take little skill. The ones who demanded 15 an hour in Cali at mc Donalds are getting replaced by computers.
People are replaceable. If people made a difference and brought something to the table maybe they wouldn’t be working minimum wage jobs. don’t have kids if you cannot feed them. Responsibility should be the rule of the land. Work for what you need, don’t confuse your wants with your needs. Those are simple principle that if you follow them, will take you farther than any taxes you want to impose on others weird comment