and God always keeps peace within my children Groot and jameson irish whiskey all over print shirt and I. Stories like yours is mind blowing. And we need to all learn from them. You’re an amazing and strong family and your faith in God is truly I believe what’s getting you through this.
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But you know, we cant live with hate. God said to be forgiven we must also forgive. And i know how hard that is. You are an amazing person. You are also an inspiration. May God always bless you I hope your act of forgiveness has given you an extra lease on life to have the strength Groot and jameson irish whiskey all over print shirt and determination to raise your grandson to become an outstanding human being! God bless you lady you are an amazing person.
Dont let ignorant people bring u down. God didnt do it. Satan did. And i tilt my hat to you. I salute you. Forgivness is hard. But with God everything is possible. Im so sorry for your loss. You are an inspiration. I do believe in Christ. And what’s crazy I’ve talked about stuff like this with my kids if anything like this was to ever happen the revenge I would probably take on someone if I found them or they got caught. I pray I never have to find out