I have a daughter I’m currently rebuilding my life around. Skull johnnie walker full printing shirt Addicts dont decide to be addicts. But they did make the wrong decision more than once. Once we accept that, we can begin amending our wrongs. I feel for you. And I’m happy that you received love anyway.
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From the 1st time someone chooses to make the decision to do drugs they put themself and others in a bad predicament. Thank God they still make wise choices like giving their children for adoption and getting help to stay clean. Some go to their graves too early because of that 1st decision to do drugs. Skull johnnie walker full printing shirt Mans problem is that they want to yield to thier human nature side to fulfil the desire to be ungodly.
But when we choose to obey God we are free and sons and daughters in Christ Jesus. Amen I chose to use drugs. I didn’t choose to be an addict. It never occurred to me…hey, I’m gonna become an addict if I get high. However, I did choose to seek help. I did choose recovery. And I did choose to accept my personal shortcomings and amend my wrongs. Addiction didnt happen overnight. But I do agree that it was a direct result of my choices. I chose to use. I chose to do the wrong thing. And I accept that.