Global warming or not…this poor bear just looks sick or old. See it is a rule not to interfere with NATURE Don’t take advice from me you’ll end up drunk shirt so u can’t feed someone who is dying due to a natural act , but this is not a natural act it’s a man made act which is global warming so it would have been ok to feed that bear which doesn’t break the rules
Don’t take advice from me you’ll end up drunk shirt
No, not global warming. Its empire that has poisoned our lakes and oceans, thus killing off his prey. A food chain collapse. Hey, at least the corporations that are guilty of poisoning everything make a profit, and that’s all that really matters, right?! Right?! A lot of film makers have a code of conduct where they don’t interfere with nature. However, they would have had access to food Don’t take advice from me you’ll end up drunk shirt because they were either near a town or packed to travel so would take food. And in this circumstance if they claim man is to blame for this then surely man can step in? Im pretty sure it is illegal
for Canadians to feed them inland as it encourage bear to come closer to towns and be a risk to people. The thing is, polar bears don’t always survive in the wild due to starvation naturally, lions etc also starve in the wild but this is not attributed to global warming. So much guilt and blame is put on the little everyday man, when in fact the problem lies with the big corporate organisations. These are the guys cutting down large portions of rainforest, drilling in the sea bed etc etc. All I know is carnivores are opportunistic animals and a Polar Bear is even known to eat humans if necessary (even though they prefer seal).
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