some of my friends are men abused by women, or women abused by women, or men abused by men, or something else abused by something else. if we’re going to address abuse, I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on jameson shirt that has to be what we’re addressing, because even though i care about other things too, this shit is too important to get muddled.
I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on jameson shirt
Totally agree that females are also perpetuators. In this case men are doubly victimized because of masculinity. That’s the main reason why the concept itself should shift. This way we can accept that domestic abuse can occur both ways and that men should not feel ashamed when it happens. It could result to a more inclusive type of view regarding violence and justice. The ideology that these women indoctrinate their children with creates mass shooters. Imagine a world with mothers too liberated to care for their young, breeding narcissists, who preach to society that there is no God, I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on jameson shirt that men are wicked, and that men will grow up to be evil. but can you please start spelling women correctly at least?! What is “womyn”?! All this “research” but still can’t spell correctly. Also, why are you so defensive against feminism? Is your privilege being threatened?! Rape, sexual assault, and abuse are mostly done by white males. It’s not just a bunch of women making this up, take a seat.
Have a nice time and go shopping
what its like in bigger cities but here in Oklahoma not a single abusive man I know got in trouble for it. My step father put my mother through a wall, admitted it, and my mom was the one that went to jail. He choked me once and the police were called and they didn’t do anything then either, this was years later. I know women that were physically abused and the cops were involved many times but they only ever go to jail over drug charges. I also know a few men who had gfs that would slap them and yell at them at shit and they felt they couldn’t do anything about it so I’m not negating the issue that women can be abusive too and when men are the victims they’re less likely to be believed which is wrong. But don’t think that every cop gives a shit when a man is abusive either bc we aren’t there yet.
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