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I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Captain Morgan shirt
I’m going thru the same thing with my older son. We as parents aren’t perfect. I’ve apologized to him, cried with him, prayed with him fir healing but he chooses to hold everything he considers bad as a child against me. I loved him and was there for him more than his Father. I did more for him and have helped him as much as I possibly could. One day it will be too late and God will take me. He will have to live with his decision to let his past control his future and his relationships. I can’t walk on water but I can stagger on Captain Morgan shirt you clearly showed your love and intentions to do your best for the one you would love for ever because ‘those days’ abortion would have been so easy and it would have saved your struggles and reputation and your living out the childhood you gave up. It’s a loving decision we made.
Enjoy your time with this awesome design

I feel your pain as I have 3 beautiful daughters. My eldest who is 20 doesn’t phone me or text me unless she wants something. We haven’t had a good relationship since she was about 11 but that was mainly because of my ex-husband telling lies about me and my new husband. It was OK for my ex to more in with our friend next door and get married to her but not for me to move on! Anyway I have forgiven my ex and his wife and love all my daughters equally and unconditionally too. No matter what name calling or swearing my eldest says to me, I love her and forgive her. I do tell her not to speak to me unkindly too and treat her Mother with respect. Time is a great healer and if you think positive then the best is yet to come. God Bless you and all our children.

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