Whats wrong with this people.This video is adorable.Why do people have to always be so negative. Guinness america flag shirt Innocent children having a good time.Watch and enjoy good things.Leave your bad opinions to yourselves.Enjoy the cuteness of them all.
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little girl might grow up to be a worship leader! The little girl beside her covering her face I could identify with. When I first started singing in front of people even as an adult I had to sing with my eyes close because I was so terrified so the fact that she was even standing up there was far greater and bravery then I think I could’ve pulled off as a child well done brave little one well done Its so sad that adults these days will seek attention from anywhere no matter how it comes. Guinness america flag shirt The focus should be and stay on the children. Some are shy, some steal the spotlight, why not just watch and enjoy the video and keep the focus on them. All of the children did exceptionally well so it doesn’t matter who is related to who. Good job to all the little ones. Adults please stop trying to get likes and comments off of them and act your age, not your shoe size. Thanks. No replies wanted or needed. Thanks in advance
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I am so glad to read this. My reaction to this video was more about heartbreak for the painfully shy girl and less about the cute girl with apparently abundant confidence. So happy to read how brave she was to stay with her class. your baby girl was perfect!!! I was always shy as a kid, and for her to stand up there in front of people is a lot braver than a lot of other people can and would do nowadays. You should be proud mommy!! I’m sure she’s a wonderful amazing little girl! I used to be shy too growing up.even in class, wouldn’t raise my hand even though I knew the answer.., Back in my first year college ,in my English class,my teacher wanted me to come front and sing.. I’d take 70%rather than going in front. I came out of my shell especially moving away from home and later on I spoke in front of 250 people to share my vision story.
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