Well said! The best part about Captain Marvel is that I won’t have to share a theatre with dullard, MAGA, incel, dudebros who have a fantrum Captain marvel goose the cat mother flerken shirt at the sight of a woman or a person of color. It’s going to be glorious. Two hours with no mouthbreathing neckbeards.
Captain marvel goose the cat mother flerken shirt
They’re acting as if Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel is the culmination of 10 years of the MCU. Sorry but to fans, she’s not. We want to see our original Avengers (including Black Widow, Wanda, Okoye, Iron Man, Thor and Cap etc.) win the day. That and Brie’s Nazi Feminist politics is what’s turning fans away in droves. Endgame should be about the original MCU heroes Avenging the world against Thanos. Captain Marvel should have nothing to do with it. Captain marvel goose the cat mother flerken shirt Not in this way. Way to make your entire 10 years collapse and turn your fan base away. The SJW narrative ruins all it touches and people can’t seem to learn that lesson. I was somewhat interested in Captain Marvel when you first teased her, but now you’ve completely ruined it with all the Feminazi SJW politics and the Mary Sue narrative. Hard pass on this one.
Go shopping and hope you like it

I wish people would understand the situation in this way. That’s the thing which is pissing many people off.Not just her political agenda,white male hatred etc etc but because Marvel/Disney is presenting Both Brie and The Character as if this movie is the result of all these efforts and movies. No other marvel movie ever had the type of quotations as this movie has. It’s crystal clear that marvel’s way of doing things is changing in an unexpectedly bad way. And it’s not because of a female superhero movie.Trust me. Fans like us who were so hyped up after the first teaser/trailer had their expectations dropped after seeing the industry’s marketing way by pushing political agendas

Reading your comment you sounded logical and made sense til you showed your true reason for hating the film. I completely agree with the first few sentences, End Game should be about the Original Avengers and how they win, not a new character, especially since a lot of them are on their way out anyway. But Captain snooze fest is probably going to single handedly beat Thanos without even so much as a struggle. Disney/Marvel has an obvious political agenda with Captain Marvel. She’s not the first female Superhero in the world. White men loved Wonder Woman and Alita, and love characters like Ellen Ripley, Sarah Conner, Black Widow, Okoye, Wanda etc. But Brie Larson is allowed to market this movie by saying she doesn’t want white men involved in her movie because they are white and male. That’s racist sexism at its worst. Plus she is not the culmination of 10 years in the MCU. The overwhelming majority of fans are turning away from the Captain Marvel movie firstly because of the liberal political propaganda and secondly because they don’t want some new character coming out of nowhere and overshadowing the originals. All of that makes sense. There’s no illogic in that.

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