I know people who do not consume animal products simply because of their health, as a non vegan person who is sensible enough to respect everyone’s eating habits Y’all realize I’m gonna snap one day right shirt I’d say stop with the aggressive sensationalism. The narrative of excessively guilting meat eaters by these most times inaccurate memes and bias articles does not work.
Y’all realize I’m gonna snap one day right shirt
Would just like to correct your statement that ‘most backyard chickens eat their own eggs’. Mine will only do that if the eggs accidents breaks. Otherwise they discard their eggs as a waste product. I protect my chickens from predators, provide them with shelter, give them food. And in return they give me eggs and manure for my fruit trees. Also I would like to correct you about eggs being ‘chickens periods’. A period is the shed lining of a mammals uterus. Y’all realize I’m gonna snap one day right shirt A period is not an egg. Chickens are birds and therefore don’t have a uterus and therefore don’t have periods. I would also like to correct you that eggs are not 100% cholesterol. They are a mixture of protein, cholesterol and various micronutrients including omega 3, B2, B5, B6, B12, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, calcium, zinc, zinc, iron and copper.
Get it and hope you enjoy the new tee

I’ve heard that some more extreme parts of the vegan movement do believe in somehow genetically altering carnivorous animals so that they no longer hunt. I think most vegans, though, are comfortable with the concept of natural predators, as long as humans don’t assume that role. How do you eat meat without implying pain?Just one fact among many: in modern slaughterhouses in about 1% of cases anesthesia does not work.10k animals a day killed makes 100 individuals killed at full consciousness every day. Carnivores are not evil because they have no other choice – makes sense?We are omnivores, as you say, and due to our reason have a choice.Being an animal of reason makes us different from Lions and all other animals resulting in a large responsibility for our actions.

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