Another note…glad jeremy is stepping up and putting addie first. He drove 3 hrs from his job site to go to the er with her. When it gets hot my top comes off jeep shirt He could have just said take her in and call me and let me know whats going on
When it gets hot my top comes off jeep shirt
When my son was 4yrs he looked like Frankenstein one night. I was completely freaked out especially because he wasn’t complaining and was outside running around with his cousins. We rushed him to the ER and ran bloodwork. Everything came it fine and he was given a steroid shot in each thigh. Doc said if they ever got swollen big like that again then we’d possibly need to have them removed. He’s almost 13 and that’s never happened again. When it gets hot my top comes off jeep shirt Sometimes people get along better when they are not together. This might be their issue. Everyone thinks me n my BD should get back together cuz of the way we get along now. But as a couple we arent GD. But as a friendship, as a team we get along well. N thts what’s best for the kids.
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i think they should give it another try I mean so fucking what there past was bad that don’t mean it will be this go round everyone talking about toxic but I bet half of you are in “toxic”relationships it’s their life they can do what they please if their happy then their happy I wish they would get back together there nothing better then being a family with the father of your kids , he seem very genuine and the girls love him and maybe she still kind has something for her wish them the best and the girls He used to be a piece of shit which is why they divorced. He has changed and so has Leah. I have mixed feelings about their relationship though because he knew Leah was going through some tough times mentally and instead of helping her he left her. Now that she got the help she needed he’s like you’re so awesome! Mental illness shouldnt define you.
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