I found that it was easy to forgive them, but I was myself I couldn’t forgive. For in as much as horrible things happened too me when I was young I had no control over, Selenas vintage distressed shirt but what about the things I put myself through that was harder to forgive. I have forgiven myself and surprisingly I never felt the need too drink again.
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you know what unforgiveness does to us? It makes the other person live rent free in our life’s and they walk around smiling while we are the one in deep pain. Now the big question is, how long can you hold unto that pain? Forgive, let go and free yourself from bitterness Mamy of you are going to hate me for my comment but I am willing to share. All people no matter how kind or forgiving you are will feel some type of hate for some kind Selenas vintage distressed shirt of person at some point in your life. And universe forbid if someone killed someone you love, no matter how much you “forgive” them you will also hate them. Forgiveness is something all gods from every religion have a problem with doing. Jesus’ father (god) has this as a major lesson for us to learn yet he wouldn’t forgive Lucifer or his rebel angels…
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Forgiveness is a blessing to those who’ve wronged you. By forgiving someone you have taken the role of a god, you could bless them with forgiveness or smite them woth hate and either way you are either blessing them or hating them. I personally think we literally have to change the way humanity thinks or else all we will be able to do is hate all day! I’ve recently finished having counselling and it’s one of the best things I’ve done…I’ve been in abusive relationships (a few too many) and other things have happened to me…I suffer with ptsd, anxiety and depression…but do you know what…it doesn’t define me…I will not let people who hurt me in the past make me a sad, bitter person! life is too short! I do get flash backs and nightmares from time to time but I won’t let that destroy my life
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