I can do here from Virginia Beach/Norfolk/Chesapeake please let me know I would love to help your cause also. Vietnam veterans the highest degree of brotherhood shirt I grew up with two deaf sisters. And I help the deaf community by assisting them to find their home! I do know sign language!
Vietnam veterans the highest degree of brotherhood shirt
Does not matter what your job is you have to be able to do a combat role. Even as a cook. Most cooks deploy and are put in combat roles they do not actually cook . the military is just not for every person. There are many other ways to serve the country or community There are several non combat jobs that they could do however when I was in the service I was told that every soldier, no matter what their MOS, was a combat soldier first. In other words when Vietnam veterans the highest degree of brotherhood shirt hits the fan you must be able to pick up a rifle and fight. So I’m not sure how all of that would work out. Good luck to you and your fight for the def. Hopefully the Military will come up with a plan that works for everyone.
Found out during a STO2 class (this is when a trainee can enlist while in high school, go to and graduate Basic training, go back and graduate high school, then come BACK to finish his AIT portion of Basic to become an infantryman) that a trainee had a severe speech impediment. It was so bad to the point of just doing a normal greeting of the day took 5-10 seconds. This young man was maybe 20 years old, pretty good shape, followed orders, never had any issues what so ever with him…he was what a drill sergeant wanted as a trainee. Even though he was squared away as a trainee, I couldn’t in good conscious let him graduate and ran it up the chain of command People that have never served don’t understand that not every opportunity should be afforded to everyone, despite how strongly you feel about equality.
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