Well, it‘s at the same time a tragical and a wonderful story but I am also sorry for their later partners who never felt really loved. Skull the va giving veterans a second chance to die for their country since 1930 shirt You cannot give your entire love to someone if your heart belongs to somebody else. There always remains a rest of emotion and sorrow.
Skull the va giving veterans a second chance to die for their country since 1930 shirt
This is not fair because EVERYBODY deserves to receive true love. If your heart belongs to someone else just stay alone and don‘t hurt somebody who might love you just as much as you love the other person. Nobody should ever be second choice. As long as I know that I would prefer to live my life with another person if it were possible in this case yes, I would rather choose to live alone until I meet someone who Skull the va giving veterans a second chance to die for their country since 1930 shirt I love so much that nobody else could ever stand between us. And I would not want to be the one fighting a battle for love which I cannot win.
I am very sorry for everybody who for any reasons cannot share their live with the person they love more than anything in the world. But believe me, the person who is the second choice always feels that there is a shadow over the relationship and the partner is partially somewhere else with his heart. No one of us has a clue of anything and everybody actially makes assumptions. I am a free person and thus I may express my thoughts just like everybody else as long as I do this in a respectful way.
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I don‘t talk easy and I do not judge. You are just about to judge my life although you don‘t know me and you do not know in which situations I have been. There is always more than one single perspective of the same story. 2 years later my Dad married his second wife. She knew all about my mother and how my dad and her were together since 14 years old. She knew how my dad felt and that his true love was my mother. But she also knew my dad could love her too. My Dad called my mom and his second wife his two favorite Pollack’s. My Dad has since passed, leaving his wife alone. We encourage her to be social and if she found someone else we would embrace them and we would support her.
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