Please, do a history check. The military did kneel to honor the flag. It behooves me people don’t know that, yet jumps on band wagons. American flag skull the wrong side of heaven the righteous side of hell shirt If they did their research Kaep went to the military before he took a knee. They was the one who advised him to do so.
American flag skull the wrong side of heaven the righteous side of hell shirt
they have a right as you do to make your statement. People of color fought in this war just the same. None is shown in this video as usual. I thought not much of it until people start making comments like these. As usual it projected that whites are the only heroes in anything. I hope that when they posted this it wasn’t their intent for hate spewed dialogue. My thing was the older gentleman remembering all the verses to that song was awesome. And yes they should be proud as others. to answer your question. When I presented the Flag to my best friends Mother at his funeral. American flag skull the wrong side of heaven the righteous side of hell shirt This is just one situation where the military kneels to honor the flag. It was a Special Forces person that suggested kneeling as more reverent than sitting. I Didn’t mean to turn it into a negative- I Shouldn’t have Cussed!! Please accept my apology? And im Really educated with History!!
My family where involved in all the Wars!! When I Mentioned taking a knee it was Done in Disrespect of Our Flag!! And I Never mention Nothing about anyone of any other Race? I Can’t help Getting Mad about the football players!! They have So much and so many Rights because of Great men Singing in the Video!! My Grandpa was in France in WW-1 and lost a lung to mustard Gas- He Died in July of 66 and he got to see me but I wish I Could have asked him so much!!my uncles where in WW-2 Sam Palmatier Died in Korea and my Moms brother was in Vietnam!! I Meant no Disrespect!!!
I Know What’s behind the whole Anti- American thing Going on in this Country and it makes my Blood boil!! As a veteran the only ones I am upset with are the assholes that never served a day in their life all of the sudden getting patriotic over someone kneeling before the flag. My family has been serving this nation since before it’s birth and participated in every event from then to now. So that we have a free nation where people can protest, and the flag whole a symbol is only a piece of cloth. I take more offense seeing it flown along side the flag of the rebellion or upside down by some Christain groups and anti American right wing fanatics than kneeling.
Have a nice time and go shopping
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