Overweight, too old, too weak, hell if you can’t qualify with your weapon. It plagues the ranks. US sailor army any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile shirt The new SMA is trying to change that and get people out who can’t deploy. They waste a lot of resources and take away from more qualified personnel
US sailor army any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile shirt
People all over the world want better lives which guided by mutual care n respect. We don’t want wars n weapons, not even war games. Stop non sense of killing on any pretext be it economic, political, geographical or the most dangerous religious fanaticism terror killings. All religious terrorists must unitedly killed the world over. He specifically said not go to war. It’s dozens of people in every unit that can’t deploy. What’s the difference. US sailor army any man who may be asked in this century what he did to make his life worthwhile shirt And deaf ppl can wake up at a specific time. They can tell when something is wrong. Every sound creates vibrations, but I see what you’re saying, and at the same time I see people in the military that can’t deploy and like this member of Cadre I was raised by 2 deaf parents. I know what they can and can’t do There are service members who can’t deploy, and they shouldn’t be in the military anymore. They may have served honorably, but like all jobs if you can’t perform you need to move on. It’s not just deaf people.
Welcome to these awesome designs
Look sorry to be so long winded on this, but I and many other guys are sick to death with the double standards. And sick that in all the videos, it’s always a female that’s the victim. I have seen none where the man in the injured or mistreated party. People have become lovers of themselves with no thought or care for anyone or anything but themselves. Matthew chapter 24 is a good read from the words of Jesus himself. My best to all 5he faithful families striving to do the right things, and make the world a better place.
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