You don’t have to be black to want safe, loving families & neighborhoods, Tough enough to be a dad and stepdad crazy enough to rock them both shirt children who can look forward to happy, healthy, successful futures, lived in a world where people treat others with the same kindness & respect, they desire for themselves.
Tough enough to be a dad and stepdad crazy enough to rock them both shirt
super predators.” Meaning those minorities & their families will forever create a “drain on society” in one form or another, whether it be welfare programs SEEN as costly to, most likely WHITE taxpayers, crime ridden neighborhoods, addiction & gang issues, & children whose fathers are forever absent.. THIS is what Hillary meant by that statement.. THAT mindset is pure racism, & I guarantee you there’s not a white person, man or woman, Tough enough to be a dad and stepdad crazy enough to rock them both shirt in the country, who doesn’t know that’s exactly what she meant, when she said it. THERE is where the anger should be directed, not at people like Trump who, together with the people he is appointing to help him, & the support of people, some of us being white, like me.. are WANTING this condition of institutional racism to be eliminated from society, from attitudes, from hearts.
thats not entirely true. I was denied scholarships and admission to my first choice school because white people are last on the waiting list at SAIC. I got a better education elseware, but i’m just saying- never say never because nobody knows everything. i also live in a very diverse place in America and am one of the only white people i see in certain neighborhoods. I have been thrown ALOT of shade in the past week, but i understand. I have been up through the system and have plenty of reasons to project onto my fellow man, but i resist that temptation. i try to set an example and be kind instead of passing know-it-all judgement.
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