There were families on the “gold star” list donating thousands of dollars per year, per child. Dad christian man of god my hero shirt Also note: this does not include all of the additional fundraising campaigns throughout the year, annual auctions (raising hundreds of thousands of dollars), and fundraising school events.
Dad christian man of god my hero shirt
do you think handing out property tax dollars equally would solve a thing? I can tell you that the wealthier schools I’ve worked in or lived by don’t depend on government dollars. The “recommended donation” at my local elementary school down the road is $500 per child (this goes to the Parent-Teacher Association) Dad christian man of god my hero shirt who uses this money to fund all sorts of programs, supports, staff, etc. A school I worked at had a recommended $300 per child donation PER trimester! And that’s just the “recommended” amount. not sure what school district you were involved with but none of the public schools I taught in, in two different states, ever asked parents for money.
We did have fundraisers. When my kids were in school and I was involved with PTO we had a number of fundraisers, such as Santa’s Shops, book fairs, and carnivals but never asked parents for money. These days a lot of schools have the kids sell candy, wrapping paper, etc. to supplement funding for needed supplies. I know a number of charter school that make “donations” mandatory. Of course then they aren’t donations but tuition, which they collect in addition to public funding. As I said before, charters are draining public school monies and hurting public schools.
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