I just thought the same thing! God weeds people out of our lives for a reason! He has a plan for you and wants to make sure you are with people that will help you grow in life! Books before boys because daddy said no shirt Those leaves Maybe you should see it as they were not your roots? Stay positive people are placed in our lives for a short and long time. See it as that was your proof that the friends temeré your leaves.
Books before boys because daddy said no shirt
I don’t know you but I care what happened! I would never ever Not help a stranger! I too have trust issues and my sons got me Ozzie! A beautiful Pitty he’s my Rock! I have went through my life thinking like you! But I have friends I have not heard from in over 40 years from high school and I am so very happy we reconnected! I know they care it’s the warmest feeling Books before boys because daddy said no shirt you can have! Your so called friends just wanted you for something in that moment in your life! Please don’t give up they’re people that do care! I am so sorry and I will pray for you
I’ve always been fine on my own…I don’t connect with people so whenever they let me down, It really doesn’t matter to me because there was never a connection in the first place…..it saves me from any form of disappointment and sadness. That’s fked up – but please know that we can only give a chance to another person as well as the benefit of the doubt…I had a friend to which I even watched her girls while cancelling my date so she could go in one, she travels for living a lot and I would be there to pick up her daughters if need be, one day she began getting shady, and then she stopped talking
I reached out w a broken heart, but – it will always be her loss – cause like w you, it is hard to find loyal people that have your back and fight for your honor…I am not changing who I am for her or anyone…I can assure you she’ll never find a friend like me…most of all, to look after her girls as I look after my own kids – so put the bandaid on, take it off, heel the wound and keep on walking – cause there are still a few good people out there and – you got a friend in me!
Have a nice time and go shopping

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