Yes, its wierd because theres absolutely no connection, and its just our imagination trying to connect dots(like when you look at a cloud, and think it looks like a horse, or a canadian)… The first ever black hole captured by event horizon telescope april 10th 2019 shirt When there in no way comparable The powers to be have lost interest in Earth… They want another planet to mess up like they’re already doing to Earth. And it’s also about power and control. First country to have another planet that they can inhabit will be able to bully the others. Remember the “Race to the Moon”.
The first ever black hole captured by event horizon telescope april 10th 2019 shirt
And so if there are actually thousands of black holes out there what will we do about it? What does it matter? Scientists have not even been able to provide a craft that can get anywhere near light speed… They seem to be frantically searching for “another earth” but can’t even preserve the one we’re one now! Unable to travel the speed of light or faster leaves humans on this planet helpless to inhabit any other “Earth like planet”. The first ever black hole captured by event horizon telescope april 10th 2019 shirt And that’s probably a Good Thing! Everything that we learn in life starts with a theory. We work towards understanding more and more things as we evolve until it is proven or disproved, which at that point we continue to try and learn more and figure more things out from the things we got wrong. By your logic we should all just be sitting around, sucking our thumb, not expanding our knowledge at all. Ya let’s do that and see how far we get… better yet, let’s think how far we would have gotten on this planet from the start if we all just sat around doing the same thing over and over again
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Yes, you can interpret what I’ve said in whatever manner you choose. Fact is we DO NOT LEARN EVERYTHING in life from theories… Much is done from FACTS and reality. Theories are mostly people wanting to make huge money from, “Well, I think this and I think that” … It’s the people that work on FACTS that have made the world what it is today. The one truth is, the Universe is dynamic! How it works is how it works. There are many theories, and natural laws, but since the Universe does not read, it just works whether or not it complies with “natural laws” or not, or theories, we will never know for sure. Black holes are recreation. They recycle atomic particals. There is no start or end. It just is.After all the information gathered by the scientist.,,so what’s next?This is interesting! I hope clinical studies show as much promise! Recycle bins of the galaxy! Nothing in creation is complex humans only make it seem that way! Like the cycle of life on earth we have no control over yet it runs like clockwork.
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