Very thrilling information. This theory capsized my understanding and perception about black holes. Pls enlighten me with more information. First photo of black hole sauron shirt Why are all black holes shown as traveling clockwise? Can some be anti clockwise, or some just be straight vortexes?
First photo of black hole sauron shirt
Hands of a wall-clock are felt rotating clockwise, if you see those from its front, but anti clockwise if seen from its hind side. Tech words might easily be misused to create confusioo, but facts can never ben be So, it could be seen that if a worm hole is based on the pretext of time, going forwards is clockwise, going backwards is anti-clockwise. This would be an interesting premise. This is all theorotical and assumptions only; What is actual reality; perhaps can be known in few billion years ; when we r attracted to these black holes.Let us enjoy life till then. Galaxy keep moving and First photo of black hole sauron shirt may visible or may not visible and it is an interesting phenomena where beyond our reach. However innovation make it visible to the maximum effort and thanks to both of them who are pioneers in exploring the universe Black holes -used- to be stars. They dont specifically ‘devour’ them. And whatever that last part was, also no. They dissipate into hawking radiation. Google is Your friend.
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you watch and read the movie? I think you did not. It says the name of the telescope it is chandra xray it is in space and you can see in the movie pictures taken by it I ment it cynical! I don’t believe we can go to space !! Maybe space exist but we cannot go to space and so a telescope can not go in space either. Those pictures they show us are not real. So every galaxy has one supermassive black hole at its center? Because of that, i think that it serves as a teleportation in other creatures or what we call alien. Black hole devours anything but what we don’t know is what happen to everything that it devours? Based on what we have in our world, you can crash, shred or molt a thing but we haven’t invented a device or machine that can vaporize or make everything vanish i mean, for now that’s impossible. Imagine your car will vanish in an instant?
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