My grandson is 6 and autistic and his brother is 2 1/2 years old and not autistic. Watching this gives me such a bright outlook for their future as brothers! Autism old hippies don’t die they just fade into crazy grandparent shirt They are already great together but as adults it’s going to be awesome! Thank you for making and sharing this video… It is awesome! Just love it!
Autism old hippies don’t die they just fade into crazy grandparent shirt
My oldest son is 8 and mute autistic and my second son us 6 and not autistic and he takes care of him as if he were the oldest. Thus video reminds me of what their relationship may be like when they’re older. My nephews are 10 and 6. The 6 year old is hyper and autistic. He’s incredibly sensitive. He’s incredibly gifted at mathematics. Autism old hippies don’t die they just fade into crazy grandparent shirt The older brother protects him from everything. that’s beautiful I have autism and I’m also the oldest but me and my youngest sister have a great bond and she has kids too. Im like a big kid so always join in with the kids with their games and make them laugh all the time cos I can imitate voices which makes them laugh
My son has autism and I will admit I thought the worst as I didn’t understand and couldn’t imagine how his teenage and adult days will pan out but now that we’ve been educated on it and more and more adults with autism like yourself are coming forward to give hope to us parents who are still learning. I hope my son does just as good as yourself and the boy in the video as he’s just too nice and full of fun hope your son will have a happy full life am not going to lie it will get hard as I wasn’t diagnosed til was 19 even though I had clear signs was at mainstream school and was hard. Hope ur son will have a good life School is my biggest fear. He starts in August but has a shared placement at a special needs school too as he is still on the same level as a 2 year old. Just glad nowadays it’s more known about. even through all his groups and his amazing team I’ve never met an adult that has it to see how they coped. I know everyone is has a different level of it but I like to know every little thing I can. Wow 19 that must have been tough not having the support all those years
Have a nice time and go shopping
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