I really needed to hear this I was just passed up for a promotion I still have my job but have felt like a failure because I have been the one putting in the work and was overlooked Sterling heights the golden butthole shirt I am going through a very trying time. And this message came at the right time. I am going to like your page. Positivity is the way to refocus and this is exactly what I need.
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I’m having health problems and they’re making adjustments to my work time etc. right now. I’ve been trying to do things that are impossible for me. I’ll have a smaller paycheck from now on, but I and my coworkers will be happier. Do you have any idea that your ads which you put up for a few bucks ruins the whole video. Well done Jay Shetty. Hope you are earning well and that your thirst for money is more than other monks. Excellent video, Sterling heights the golden butthole shirt people do get rejected and it’s how life is. The biggest message is do not lose your self-belief. Think about what you achieved in life and how much you achieved it. Do not make small goals, always think bigger and try to go for it. If you fall and accept it you failed in that moment but if you never accepted that and keep trying
This video has encouraged me and given me hope that life continues even after losing formal employment. I am reminded that i should start my own business even when i am still being employed I had a rejection for entering in nursing trading school. I became so frustrated and I was not able to do everything properly and any little thing, I become furious but am OK after watching it. Am I the only one who thinks a nice car isn’t the measure of success? Great video, but just because he drives a nice car doesn’t mean anything. Most demeaning fact which raises questions on our conscience and obstructs personal growth is only ” acceptance” which is I believe a generic thumb rule to attain composure within you in real sense
Take it and hope you enjoy it
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