Why don’t you just settle down and enjoy your vacation, or should I say, your 11th one since taking office. I seem to remember you saying you wouldn’t have time Miguel how nipsey before trump shirt for them as you’d be working so hard however, what happened to that? Or was it a lie… hmm…
Miguel how nipsey before trump shirt
Another lie indeed one of many and there will be more lies cuase potus is uncapable of saying The truth its The president almost half of america elected and now you know what happens when you put a incompetent person in The white house Good luck your gonna need it in The mean time Thanks for The way you Have Made america a laughing shame all over The world you asshole yes I also know some educated people who voted for him (some friends). Miguel how nipsey before trump shirt People are feeling desperate what can I say. Hillary did win the popular vote (that means she actually received more votes than Cheeto). didn’t Trump call the electorial college an abomination to the American voting system? Said it was the only way Hillary could win. Said the dems use it to cheat the people out of a fair election. Also promised to rid America of it, if he won (one thing I agreed with him on). Then when that was the only reason he won, it suddenly became a genius system. Weird.
Get it and enjoy it

and Mitch Yeager tell you what boys. When this joker, you call a President is impeached guess who will have the last laugh; besides I’m an independent voter and have been around long enough to know a con man when I see one. Trumpsters always scream Fake News! because they have nothing else to back his claims with. So many folks will be enjoying the laughter when he is done. Worst president in history. If he gets impeached Pence gets in and that dude wants war and he’ll be way worst in several areas. Think before you do. Time is NOW to try and win back areas you want back by peaceful protesting, rallies, and petitions. Where are you getting these idiotic ‘poll results’ from. You do know that votes are secret? You do know that educational stautus is not declared. Really, this is so laughable.

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